Shareware Grab Bag
Shareware Grab Bag.iso
Text File
472 lines
/*"void~" will have to be #define'd int*/
/***************************** lucifer **************************
* LUCIFER: encrypt/decrypt bytes using IBM's LUCIFER algorithm.
* Programmed by R.W.Outerbridge
* Usage: lucifer (+|-)([ecb]|<cbc|cks>) key1 <ivec>
* + : ENcrypt (default if MODE specified)
* - : DEcrypt (presumes encrypted input)
* Modes of Operation (choose ONE):
* ecb : (default) Electronic Code Book. Only uses one key.
* If simply "+" or "-" is specified, ecb is used.
* cbc : Cipher Block Chaining. Uses two keys.
* cks : ChecKSum. Generates a 128-bit checksum using two keys.
* Both keys may be as long as you wish. The practical limit
* on keylength is the size of your system's argument buffer.
* WARNING: on some machines all arguments become CAPITALS.
* WARNING: non-ascii machines MAY get different results.
* Any character may be used in keys - depending on the O/S -
* except ASCII NULL (0x00). The one-letter key '#', when used
* for "key1", will cause lucifer to use a preset default key
* (for verification and testing). Failing to specify "ivec", if
* required, will result in "key1" being used for both keys. It
* is an error to omit "key1". There is no provision for giving
* arbitrary, absolute, bit-valued keys.
* As painful as they are to use, long keys are MUCH safer;
* think up nonsense phrases you can safely remember.
#include <stdio.h>
#define toascii(a) ((a)&0177)
#define EN 0
#define DE 1
#define CKS 2
#define MODS 3
typedef char BYTE; /* BYTE = (VAX) ? int : char; */
/* cryptographic declarations */
void copy16(), xor16(), getkey(), loadkey(), lucifer();
BYTE Block[16], Link[16], Temp[16], IV[16];
BYTE DFLTKY[16] = { 1,35,69,103,137,171,205,239,254,220,186,152,118,84,50,16 };
/* DO NOT ALTER! => 0x0123456789abcdeffedcba9876543210 <= */
/* I/O declarations */
void ruderr(), put16(), vraiput(), initio();
int IOedf, End, Once;
BYTE Last[16];
int Ecb(), Cbc(), Cks();
struct modes {
char *name;
int (*func)();
struct modes ModsOp[MODS] = { /* CAPS for CP/M - sorry! */
{ "ECB", Ecb },
{ "CBC", Cbc },
{ "CKS", Cks } };
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
int (*xeqtr)();
int step, ende, edio, ok, i;
BYTE kv[16];
argv++; argc--;
if(argc > 3 || argc < 2) ruderr();
for(step=0; argc > 0; step++) {
switch(step) {
case 0: /* set en/de and/or default mode */
if(*argv[0] == '+' || *argv[0] == '-') {
ende = (*argv[0] == '+') ? EN : DE;
*argv[0]++ = NULL;
if(*argv[0] == NULL) {
xeqtr = Ecb; /* default mode */
edio = ende;
argv++; argc--;
else ende = EN;
for(i=ok=0; i < MODS && !ok; i++) {
if(strcmp(argv[0], ModsOp[i].name) == 0) {
xeqtr = ModsOp[i].func;
ok = 1;
if(!ok) {
"Lucifer: unknown mode >%s<.\n", argv[0]);
while(*argv[0]) *argv[0]++ = NULL;
argv++; argc--;
/* set appropriate IO modes */
if(xeqtr == Cks) edio = CKS;
else edio = ende;
/* falling through.... */
case 1: /* get the key and IV, if needed and present */
if(strcmp(argv[0], "#") == 0) copy16(DFLTKY, kv);
else getkey(argv[0], kv);
argv++; argc--;
/* if nothing left, but an IV needed, use the key */
if(argc == 0) {
if(xeqtr != Ecb) copy16(kv, IV);
else if(xeqtr == Ecb) {
fprintf(stderr, "Lucifer: ivec ignored.\n");
while(*argv[0]) *argv[0]++ = NULL;
argv++; argc--;
else getkey(argv[0], IV);
argv++; argc--;
fprintf(stderr, "Lucifer: Programming error!\n");
} /* switch */
} /* argument parsing */
loadkey(kv, ende);
(*xeqtr)(ende); /* ta-da! Take it away xeqtr! */
} /* end of main */
void ruderr() {
"Usage: lucifer (+|-)([ecb]|<cbc|cks>) key1 <ivec>\n");
Cbc(e_d) /* Cipher Block Chaining */
int e_d; /* Ciphertext errors are self-healing. */
copy16(IV, Link);
while(get16(Block) != EOF) {
if(e_d == DE) {
copy16(Block, Temp);
xor16(Block, Link);
copy16(Temp, Link);
else {
xor16(Block, Link);
copy16(Block, Link);
Cks(dummy) /* CBC authentication checksum generator */
int dummy; /* The banks use this for verifications. */
int i, j, k;
long count = 0L;
copy16(IV, Link);
while(get16(Block) != EOF) {
xor16(Block, Link);
copy16(Block, Link);
fprintf(stdout, ": %0ld bytes\t: ", count<<4);
for(i=j=0; i < 4; i++) {
for(k=0; k < 4; k++, j++)
fprintf(stdout, "%02x", Link[j]&0377);
putc(' ', stdout);
fprintf(stdout, ":\n");
Ecb(dummy) /* Electronic Code Book : simple substitution */
int dummy; /* Yawn. For static data and random access. */
while(get16(Block) != EOF) {
void copy16(from, to)
register BYTE *from, *to;
register BYTE *ep;
ep = &to[16];
while(to < ep) *to++ = *from++;
void xor16(to, with)
register BYTE *to, *with;
register BYTE *ep;
ep = &to[16];
while(to < ep) *to++ ^= *with++;
void put16(block)
register BYTE *block;
if(IOedf == DE) copy16(block, Last);
else vraiput(block, &block[16]);
register BYTE *input;
register int i, j;
if(End == 1) return(EOF); /* no more input */
for(i=0; i < 16 && ((j = getc(stdin)) != EOF); i++) *input++ = j;
if(IOedf == DE) { /* DECRYPTION */
/* complete block? pending output? */
if(i == 16 && (Once > 0)) vraiput(Last, &Last[16]);
else if(j == EOF) {
End = 1;
if(Once > 0) {
/* incomplete block means no nulls */
if(i != 0) i = 0;
else {
i = Last[15]&0377;
if(i > 16) i = 0; /* huh? */
vraiput(Last, &Last[16-i]);
else if(j == EOF) { /* ENCRYPTION */
End = 1;
if(i == 0 && (IOedf == EN || (Once > 0))) {
/* if no padding to do, print a kludge */
if(IOedf == EN && (Once > 0)) putc('0', stdout);
for(j=i; j < 15; j++) *input++ = NULL;
*input = 16-i;
Once = 1;
void getkey(aptr, kptr)
register char *aptr;
register BYTE *kptr;
register BYTE *store;
register int i, first;
BYTE hold[16];
first = 1;
loadkey(DFLTKY, EN);
copy16(DFLTKY, hold);
while(*aptr || first) {
store = kptr;
for(i=0; i<16 && (*aptr != NULL); i++) {
*store++ = toascii(*aptr);
*aptr++ = NULL;
while(i++ < 16) *store++ = NULL;
xor16(kptr, hold);
copy16(kptr, hold);
first = 0;
void vraiput(cp, ep)
register BYTE *cp, *ep;
while(cp < ep) putc((char)*cp++, stdout);
void initio(edf)
int edf;
IOedf = edf;
End = Once = 0;
/* LUCIFER is a cryptographic algorithm developed by IBM in the early
* seventies. It was a predecessor of the DES, and is much simpler
* than that algorithm. In particular, it has only two substitution
* boxes. It does, however, use a 128 bit key and operates on
* sixteen byte data blocks...
* This implementation of LUCIFER was crafted by Graven Cyphers at the
* University of Toronto, Canada, with programming assistance from
* Richard Outerbridge. It is based on the FORTRAN routines which
* concluded Arthur Sorkin's article "LUCIFER: A Cryptographic Algorithm",
* CRYPTOLOGIA, Volume 8, Number 1, January 1984, pp22-42. The interested
* reader should refer to that article rather than this program for more
* details on LUCIFER.
* These routines bear little resemblance to the actual LUCIFER algorithm,
* which has been severely twisted in the interests of speed. They do
* perform the same transformations, and are believed to be UNIX portable.
* The package was developed for use on UNIX-like systems lacking crypto
* facilities. They are not very fast, but the cipher is very strong.
* The routines in this file are suitable for use as a subroutine library
* after the fashion of crypt(3). When linked together with applications
* routines they can also provide a high-level cryptographic system.
* -DENHANCE : modify LUCIFER by changing the key schedule and performing
* an "autokeyed" encryption. These may improve the algorithm.
#ifndef DE
#define DE 1 /* for separate compilation */
static BYTE Dps[64] = { /* Diffusion Pattern schedule */
4,16,32,2,1,8,64,128, 128,4,16,32,2,1,8,64,
64,128,4,16,32,2,1,8, 8,64,128,4,16,32,2,1,
1,8,64,128,4,16,32,2, 2,1,8,64,128,4,16,32,
32,2,1,8,64,128,4,16, 16,32,2,1,8,64,128,4 };
/* Precomputed S&P Boxes, Two Varieties */
static BYTE TCB0[256] = {
87, 21,117, 54, 23, 55, 20, 84,116,118, 22, 53, 85,119, 52, 86,
95, 29,125, 62, 31, 63, 28, 92,124,126, 30, 61, 93,127, 60, 94,
67, 1, 97, 34, 3, 35, 0, 64, 96, 98, 2, 33, 65, 99, 32, 66,
75, 9,105, 42, 11, 43, 8, 72,104,106, 10, 41, 73,107, 40, 74,
91, 25,121, 58, 27, 59, 24, 88,120,122, 26, 57, 89,123, 56, 90,
71, 5,101, 38, 7, 39, 4, 68,100,102, 6, 37, 69,103, 36, 70,
79, 13,109, 46, 15, 47, 12, 76,108,110, 14, 45, 77,111, 44, 78,
83, 17,113, 50, 19, 51, 16, 80,112,114, 18, 49, 81,115, 48, 82 };
static BYTE TCB1[256] = {
87,223,207,211,215, 95,219, 67,195,199,203, 75, 91, 71, 79, 83,
21,157,141,145,149, 29,153, 1,129,133,137, 9, 25, 5, 13, 17,
117,253,237,241,245,125,249, 97,225,229,233,105,121,101,109,113,
54,190,174,178,182, 62,186, 34,162,166,170, 42, 58, 38, 46, 50,
23,159,143,147,151, 31,155, 3,131,135,139, 11, 27, 7, 15, 19,
55,191,175,179,183, 63,187, 35,163,167,171, 43, 59, 39, 47, 51,
20,156,140,144,148, 28,152, 0,128,132,136, 8, 24, 4, 12, 16,
84,220,204,208,212, 92,216, 64,192,196,200, 72, 88, 68, 76, 80,
116,252,236,240,244,124,248, 96,224,228,232,104,120,100,108,112,
118,254,238,242,246,126,250, 98,226,230,234,106,122,102,110,114,
22,158,142,146,150, 30,154, 2,130,134,138, 10, 26, 6, 14, 18,
53,189,173,177,181, 61,185, 33,161,165,169, 41, 57, 37, 45, 49,
85,221,205,209,213, 93,217, 65,193,197,201, 73, 89, 69, 77, 81,
119,255,239,243,247,127,251, 99,227,231,235,107,123,103,111,115,
52,188,172,176,180, 60,184, 32,160,164,168, 40, 56, 36, 44, 48,
86,222,206,210,214, 94,218, 66,194,198,202, 74, 90, 70, 78, 82 };
static BYTE Key[16], Pkey[128];
static int P[8] = { 3,5,0,4,2,1,7,6 };
static int Smask[16] = { 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 };
void lucifer(bytes)
BYTE *bytes; /* points to a 16-byte array */
register BYTE *cp, *sp, *dp;
register int val, *sbs, tcb, j, i;
BYTE *h0, *h1, *kc, *ks;
h0 = bytes; /* the "lower" half */
h1 = &bytes[8]; /* the "upper" half */
kc = Pkey;
ks = Key;
for(i=0; i<16; i++) {
tcb = *ks++;
sbs = Smask;
dp = Dps;
sp = &h0[8];
#ifdef ENHANCE
for(j=0, cp=h1; j<8; j++) tcb ^= *cp++;
for(j=0; j<8; j++) {
if(tcb&*sbs++) val = TCB1[h1[j]&0377];
else val = TCB0[h1[j]&0377];
val ^= *kc++;
for(cp=h0; cp<sp;) *cp++ ^= (val&*dp++);
/* swap (virtual) halves */
cp = h0;
h0 = h1;
h1 = cp;
/* REALLY swap halves */
dp = bytes;
cp = &bytes[8];
for(sp=cp; dp<sp; dp++, cp++) {
val = *dp;
*dp = *cp;
*cp = val;
void loadkey(keystr, edf) /* precomputes the key schedules */
BYTE *keystr;
register int edf;
register BYTE *ep, *cp, *pp;
register int kc, i, j;
BYTE kk[16], pk[16];
cp = kk;
pp = pk;
ep = &kk[16];
while(cp < ep) {
*cp++ = *keystr;
for(*pp=i=0; i<8; i++)
if(*keystr&Smask[i]) *pp |= Smask[P[i]];
cp = Key;
pp = Pkey;
kc = (edf == DE) ? 8 : 0;
for(i=0; i<16; i++) {
if(edf == DE) kc = (++kc)&017;
#ifdef ENHANCE
*cp++ = kk[( (kc == 0) ? 15 : (kc - 1) )];
*cp++ = kk[kc];
for(j=0; j<8; j++) {
*pp++ = pk[kc];
if(j<7 || (edf == DE)) kc = (++kc)&017;
/* lucifer cks # < /dev/null
* : 16 bytes : 32186510 6acf6094 87953eba 196f5a75 :
* (-DENHANCE) : 378cfd5b bd54a07b 28513809 624e6071 :
* (rwo/8412.03.18:10/V5.0) */
/************************ lucifer *******************************/